Пожалуййста помогите срочно надо. Спасибо заранее. A cold wind swept the pavement, ___________ a scrap of silver paper from a chocolate box across the lamp-light. a. being born b. born c. borne d. bearing 11) __________________...

Пожалуййста помогите срочно надо. Спасибо заранее. A cold wind swept the pavement, ___________ a scrap of silver paper from a chocolate box across the lamp-light. a. being born b. born c. borne d. bearing 11) _____________________ by the beauty of the twilight, he strolled away from the hotel. a. stirring b. stirred c. having stirred d. been stirred 12) His tale ______________, he put his head back and laughed. a. told b. telling c. tell d. being told 13) Huxley showed how colonialism ______________ a false channel for most developing countries, draining them of their wealth and their culture. a. has carved out b. had carved out c. will carve out d. will be carved out 14) _______________ dinner he sat with his cigar in a somewhat deserted lounge, turning over weekly papers. a. finishing b. having finished c. had he finished d. hadn’t he finished 15) They now had all her telephone calls _____________________. a. intercepting b. intercept c. interception d. intercepted
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A cold wind swept the pavement, ___________ a scrap of silver paper from a chocolate box across the lamp-light. d. bearing 11) _____________________ by the beauty of the twilight, he strolled away from the hotel. b. stirred 12) His tale ______________, he put his head back and laughed. a. told d. being told - оба применимы 13) Huxley showed how colonialism ______________ a false channel for most developing countries, draining them of their wealth and their culture. b. had carved out 14) _______________ dinner he sat with his cigar in a somewhat deserted lounge, turning over weekly papers. a. finishing b. having finished - оба применимы 15) They now had all her telephone calls d. intercepted
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