Present Perfect. Open the brackets. Ask questions. 1. You (to see) him this week? 2. Your friend ever (to be) to China? 3. Why Ann (not to send) the letter yet? 4. Barbara ever (to play) chess? 5. His brother (to ride) a bicycl...

Present Perfect. Open the brackets. Ask questions. 1. You (to see) him this week? 2. Your friend ever (to be) to China? 3. Why Ann (not to send) the letter yet? 4. Barbara ever (to play) chess? 5. His brother (to ride) a bicycle already? 6. How many languages they (to study) this year? 7. Why the secretary (not to type) the documents this week? 8. Who (to close) the window recently? 9..Caroline ever (to buy) food for the family? ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТООО! ЗАРАНИЕ ОГРОМНОЕ СПАСИБО!
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. Have you seen him this week? 2. Has your friend ever been to China? 3. Why hasn't Ann sent the letter yet? 4. Has Barbara ever played chess? 5. Has his brother ridden a bicycle already? 6. How many languages have they studied this year? 7. Why hasn't the secretary typed the documents this week? 8. Who has closed the window recently? 9. Has Caroline ever bought food for the family?
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