Прочитай письмо своего друга по переписке. Напиши ему и ответь на 3 вопроса. Thank you for your letter.It was nice to hear from you again.Last Saturday I stayed at my friend's home.We were very happy because we played board gam...
Прочитай письмо своего друга по переписке. Напиши ему и ответь на 3 вопроса.
Thank you for your letter.It was nice to hear from you again.Last Saturday I stayed at my friend's home.We were very happy because we played board games,watched funny cartoons and listened to our favourite music.We also danced to music - my friend can do it very well.His mum cooked a lot of tasty things for us,Then we were tired and decided to go bed,It was a fantastic day! Did you stay at home at the weekend?What did you do?Were you happy?Write back soon,Love Steve
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
I am very glad that you were really fun. 1) No, I was in the country. We walked all day, playing, jumping,2) with friends invent different games. we had a lot of fun 3) Yes, we were happy Надеюсь помогла))
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