Прочитай рассказ и подчеркни правильные ответы в скобках. One day Father raddit went to she forest. He needed (some или how much) food for his family. He went on and on and didn't find (any или some) food.Int he end he (some ил...
Прочитай рассказ и подчеркни правильные ответы в скобках.
One day Father raddit went to she forest. He needed (some или how much) food for his family. He went on and on and didn't find (any или some) food.Int he end he (some или any) apples under and apple tree."OK", he said. "There are not (manybkb much) apples here,but it's late and I must go home." He put the apples in the bag and ran home. On his way he men a bear."What do you have in your bag?" the bear asked." There are apples in my bag",said the raddit.I would like (some или a) apples",said the bear. "Sure! (Here you are! или Yes,please.)" said Father raddit. He gave (some или very few) apples to the bear and went home. Then het met a hedgehog.The hedgehog was very hungry.
"Would you like some или any apples?" the raddit asked."(Here you are! Yes,please.)" said the hedgehog."Thank you very much".
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
Some, any, some, much,some, here are you, some, yes pleas
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