Прошу помощи. Благодарю заранее) 2. Выпишите из текста предложные конструкции с предлогом of. Замените существительные с предлогом of существительными в притяжательном падеже 6.      Выпишите из текста предложение в Present Ind...

Прошу помощи. Благодарю заранее) 2. Выпишите из текста предложные конструкции с предлогом of. Замените существительные с предлогом of существительными в притяжательном падеже 6.      Выпишите из текста предложение в Present Indefinite. Напишите это предложение в отрицательной форме. Поставьте к этому предложению все типы вопросов: общий, специальный, разделительный, альтернативный, вопрос к подлежащему.   7.      Поставьте глагол-сказуемое одного предложения из текста во все временные формы группы Indefinite в действительном залоге, произведя все необходимые изменения, Образец;              Не often writes letters.                                Не wrote a letter yesterday.                                He will write a letter tomorrow, . 8.      Поставьте глагол-сказуемое одного предложения из текста во вес временные формы группы Indefinite в страдательном залоге; произведя все необходимые смысловые изменения. Образец;              The letter is written by my friend.                                The letter was written by my friend. ,                                The letter will be written by my friend.   9.      Выполните письменно контрольно-тренировочные упражнения 38, 44, 47 из упражнений первого семестра. 38. Замените русские слова словами: much, litlle, many, few, a little, a few 1. There is (мало) meat in the soup. 2. I don't cat (много) bread  3. I have (немного) money. 4. There is (мало) salt in the soup. 5. There is not (мно­го) bread on the table. 6. There is not (много) air in this room. 7 Are there (много) cups on the table ? 8. We don't cat (ммого) Jnca[ meat at supper.  9. There are not (много) things in this room. 10. There are (много) chairs there. 44. Заполните пропуски причастиями I и II (от глаголов данных в скобках) в зависимости от смысла и переведите предложения на русский язык: 1. The instrument … on the table belong to Mr. Brown (to leave) 2. There are different kinds of  plants …in the Polar regions (to grow). 3. The work … by the scientists on the … ice of great importance (to do, to drift). 4. A telescope is an instrument ... distant objects appear nearer and larger (to make). 5. The results ... varied with the material ... (to obtain, to use), 6. The workers improved their work with the help of the new machines ... by them (to receive). 7. The voting scientist ... in the discussion of the new plan, put forward an importand problem (to take part). 47. Откройте скобки и поставьте глаголы п форме (Рast или Present) Indefinite или Continuous по смыслу: 1. What you (to do)? -1 (to translate) an article. 2. Where you (to get) this magazine? - A friend of mine (to give) it to me yesterday. 3. Last week I (lo get) two letters from my brother. 4. Father (lo come) at 5o'clock last night. 5. I (to go) to the station at 5 o'clock yesterday. 6. When I (to translate) the article I (to use) a dictionary. 7. We (to try) to translate the article without a dictionary. 8. What you (to do) at 8 o'clock in the evening yesterday?  9. It (lo rain) from 2 till 4 o'clock yesterday. 10. It (to rain) stil? I must be going. 1 am afraid to be late. 11. They (to discuss) a report while we (to work) in the workshop. 12. The meeting (to open) at 14:30.  13. We (to watch) TV when a friend of mine (to come).  14. The hall   (to be) full of people when we (lo come in).   10.     Переведите письменно текст контрольной работы № 1 на рус­ский язык. При переводе пользуйтесь англо-русским словарем.   ON MONEY.                   The word money comes from the name of the Roman goddess in whose temple silver coins were made.                 Money did not always look like our money. Sometimes it was a ring or an ornament, or just a slab of gold or silver, from which coins were v made. Still later cheaper metals replaced gold and silver.                 British coins are made in the Royal Mint. The metals come in the form of slabs. The right proportion of each metal for the sort of coin being made, are put into large graphite pots and melted in very hot furnaces for two hours. and left to cool. The bars of metals go throught heavy rollers and become thin metal strips. The strips go into another machine which stamps out circles in them. The circles drop into a box. The waste metal is collected and remelted.                 Next the circles are annealed: they are heated to red-hot and then dropped into cold water. During the process of annealing the copper takes some of the oxygen from the air. As a result a thin layer of copper oxide appears on the surface of the circle, which is removed with a weak solution of sulphuric acid.                 While hot the circles are stamped, and also pass through a special pressing machine which raises a rim cm the coin. (The rim will help the coin to live longer.) In stamping the softish circle of the future coin is pressed above and below by two pieces of metal called dies. The upper die stamps the heads of the coin and the lower die stamps the tails. While being stamped the coin becomes hard again. When the coins are ready they arc Counted on an automatic machine, and inspected by hand. Then they are Recounted and bagged up by machine, tied up and weighed and sent to the bank.  
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. There is (litlle) meat in the soup. 2. I don't eat (much) bread 3. I have (a litlle) money. 4. There is (litlle) salt in the soup. 5. There is not (much) bread on the table. 6. There is not (much) air in this room. 7 Are there (many) cups on the table ? 8. We don't eat (much meat at supper. 9.There are not (many) things in this room. 10. There are (many) chairs there. the name of the Roman goddess - the Roman goddess’s name the form of slabs - the slabs’ form proportion of each metal - each metal’s proportion The bars of metals - The metal bars the process of annealing - the annealing process a thin layer of copper - a thin copper layer a weak solution of sulphuric - a weak sulphuric solution the surface of the circle - the circle surface the softish circle of the future coin - the future coin’s softish circle two pieces of metal - two metal pieces the heads of the coin - the coin heads остальное загрузи отдельными заданиями
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