Put in the infinitive or the gerund. 1. Did you remember (help) her with the luggage? 2. Don’t deny (take) his help. 3. They suggested (spend) the day by the river. 4. She is very ill. This means (go) to hospital. 5. The trees ...

Put in the infinitive or the gerund. 1. Did you remember (help) her with the luggage? 2. Don’t deny (take) his help. 3. They suggested (spend) the day by the river. 4. She is very ill. This means (go) to hospital. 5. The trees began (lose) their yellow leaves. 6. After that the plumber went on (check) the taps. 7. I regretted not (water) the flowers.8.He refused (answer) my question. 9. He is used to (drink) mineral water before dinner. 10. If you want to be healthy try (eat) more fruit and vegetables. 11. I used (do) the shopping in this shop when I lived here. 12. Stop (shout), I can hear you well. 13. I remember (have) a rest there. 14. I haven’t yet got used to (live) in this house. 15. Many dentists don’t allow (chew) gum. 16. The doctor doesn’t allow me (drive). 17. He regretted (not invite) his friends. 18. They meant (have) a good rest at the sea-side. 19. They began (understand) French.20. Remember (send) them an invitation card.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1.Helping                            11.To do 2.Taking                              12.Shouting 3.Spending                         13.Having 4.Going                               14.Live 5.Loosing                            15.To chew 6.Checking                          16.To drive 7.Watering                           17.Not inviting 8.To answer                         18.Having 9.Drink                                 19.Understanding 10.Eating                              20.To send
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