Рас кройте скобки и вставь те глагол в нужном времени и форме The legend of Lake Naroch Many years ago there (live) a girl called Nara. She (can) sing very well and play the psaltery .She (inlove) a young man and (want) to...

Рас кройте скобки и вставь те глагол в нужном времени и форме The legend of Lake Naroch Many years ago there (live) a girl called Nara. She (can) sing very well and play the psaltery .She (inlove) a young man and (want) to marry him. One day she was sitting near a large beautiful lake when a rich man (see) her. He (like) Nara so much that he (want) to marry her. As Nara (have) a groom (жених) she (not want) to marry the rich man. But the rich man (be) very stubborn (упрямый), and his servants (kill) Nara’s groom and (take) Nara to the rich man’s palace. The girl (be) so unhappy that when everybody was sleeping, she (set) fire to the palace , and (gottarun) away. When the rich man (learn) about it, he (send) his servants (слуги) after Nara. As she ( can not) run away from them, Nara (dive) into the lake and___________ (die). From that time the lake was named Lake Naroch.
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lived could involved wanted saw liked wanted had didn't want was killed took was set got run learnt sent couldn't dived died
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