Раскройте скобки и употребите глаголы в нужной форме (Conditional III). 1. Jane (not tell) me, if I hadn't asked here. 2. I wouldn't have known, if you (not phone) me. 3. If you (have) some protection, you wouldn't have damage...

Раскройте скобки и употребите глаголы в нужной форме (Conditional III). 1. Jane (not tell) me, if I hadn't asked here. 2. I wouldn't have known, if you (not phone) me. 3. If you (have) some protection, you wouldn't have damaged your eyes. 4. If the flight hadn't been delayed, my boss (arrive) on time to the meeting. 5. If you (take) your umbrella, you (not/catch) a cold.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1) would not have told 2) had not phoned 3) had had 4) would have arrived 5) had taken, would not have caught
1. Jane would not have told me, if I hadn't asked here. 2. I wouldn't have known, if you had not phoned me. 3. If you had had some protection, you wouldn't have damaged your eyes. 4. If the flight hadn't been delayed, my boss would have arrived on time to the meeting. 5. If you had taken your umbrella, you would not have caught a cold.
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