Рассказ о минотавре на английском языке 7-8 предложений

Рассказ о минотавре на английском языке 7-8 предложений
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Legend about минотавре is begun with misconduct, tsar of island of Крита of Миноса. He instead of that to bring a victim to God to Poseidon (a bull intended in a victim) left a bull to itself. Infuriated Poseidon bewitched wife Миноса, and she accomplished terrible adultery with a bull... From this connection a frightful semibull was born получеловек is adopted by Минотавром. Running from Greece (from Athens) architect Дедал - built famous labyrinth in that and settled Минотавра. Athens that was guilty before a cretan tsar - in order to avoid war, 14 youths and girls had to supply every year for the feed of Минотавра. Girls and youths from Athens were driven away by a mourning ship with black sails. Однаждый the Greek hero Тесей, son of ruler of Athens Эгея, asked a father about this ship and knowing frightful reason of black sails, conceived a design to kill Минотавра. Entreating to release a father him instead of one of youths, intended for скормления, he agreed with him, that if he will win over a monster, then sails on a ship will be white
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