Рассказ о том, как вы проводите свое свободное время в театре или в кино (на английском)

Рассказ о том, как вы проводите свое свободное время в театре или в кино (на английском)
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When I have free time , I like going to the cinema. I like to watch comedies with my best friends in the cinema. Usually we try to go to the cinema twice a month. My family likes comedies, too. Sometimes we watch TV all together at home. When we watch films we buy popcorn and Coca. One of my favorite films is "1+1". Is tells about an old man who is handicapped and his servant. They became friends and the servant teaches his boss to live a full life. It is not only the comedy it teaches many good thinks. I advise you to watch this film too.  
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