Рассказ про дельфинов на английском

Рассказ про дельфинов на английском
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Dolphins - unique animals!!! They are skilled, kind,talented, radiate their love for people and great loyalty. From the ability to heal serious diseases, improve surrounding nastroenie. They say that dolphins are intelligent creatures.
Dolphins - one of the most mysterious animals on our planet. Intelligence of these marine inhabitants considered so high that they are called " people of the sea ." Scientists claim that dolphins are smarter and smarter than all the other animals . Dolphins live in water , but it is not fish, and mammals of the order Cetacea . That is, they need air - they breathe easy and not gills . People can always see the faces on the surface of the sea dolphins because dolphins can stay under water for an average of about 3-5 minutes (although there were cases when dolphins were under water for 10 to 15 minutes). Dolphins live in flocks. They always help each other and never leave each other in trouble. These advanced marine animals are very similar to humans , they tend to sacrifice. If they hear the sounds from the shore, like a dolphin cry for help - they are thrown out on the land , with the dying . But , despite this, the modern marine fauna delfinissledovateli argue that the dolphin is not so harmless. There are cases of atypical behavior of dolphins. Thus it is known that dolphins at a meeting with his relatives of the order Cetacea - porpoises ( porpoise ) , attack and destroy them . Explain such behavior can not be hunger as dolphins eat only fish and never eat brown dead dolphins. As well known cases where dolphins killed female or dolphins. But such incidents are the exception rather the rule. Srednestatichesky dolphin - is the embodiment of friendliness and kindness. Dolphins can publish about ten different sounds . Sounds that publishes dolphin - whistling , clicking , barking ..... Dolphin sounds range lies between 3000 Hz and 200,000 Hz, which means it can communicate both the conventional and ultrasonic waves . Dull lingering whistle, followed by a high and melodic - means that the dolphin calls for help . When dolphins are angry - they start barking ... A particularly wide range of sounds from a dolphin - bottlenose dolphins . It may be groans squeaks , whining , whining , pohryukivanie , barking, different heights squeaks , clicks , meow , tweet ..
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