Рассказ про летний лагерь

Рассказ про летний лагерь
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Summer is a fine season. The days in summer are long, the nights are short. The weather is fine. Sometimes it rains, sometimes it is hot. Summer brings holidays to schoolchildren, they do not go to school. In summer some schoolchildren will go to summer camps, others will stay in town or in the villages. Those who go to summer camps will have a good time. They will live near a forest or a river. They will go for walks in the forest, fish and swim in the river, play games, sit by the camp-fire in the evening and sing songs. In the day-time they will help the collective farmers on the farms, in the fields and gardens. Those who stay in town will help their parents, look after small children, read books, play games, go for walks in the parks, go to the cinema and theatre. All the children are happy to have summer holidays.
В летнем лагере очень весело Я играю в игры сижу у костра и пою песни еще купаюсь в речке там очень весело я познакомился там с новыми друзьями там очень солнечно, жарко следующим летом я обязательно поеду в этот удивительный лагерь своими одноклассниками и буду там опять Веселится играть и резвится
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