Рассказ про Ярославль на английском языке

Рассказ про Ярославль на английском языке
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Yaroslavl - the first of the Russian cities наволге referred to in the chronicles. In the "story time years," he was the first time referred to the 1071 year. Modern city appeared on the place where in the Volga - home artery Volga trade way - falls River kotorosl at which it was possible to get to the main Center мерянской the Earth, Rostov. In addition to finno-ugric settlements bearish angle, gave the beginning of the city, not far from it in ix-x centuries there were other major centers, about the rich the material culture which give representation тимерёвский archaeological complex and михайловские mounds. At the beginning of XIII century Konstantin всеволодовичначинает обстраивать Yaroslavl Stone temples, cooking it on the role of Parish hail for your son Vsevolod. Yaroslavl principality reached the highest heyday after the change of the ruling dynasty at the end of xii century, when Prince фёдоре black. Progressive fragmentation principality on all smaller inheritances led to the loss of them political independence in 1463, the "Golden age" the city is Associated with the development of trade with Europe through Arkhangelsk. In XVII century city becomes biggest центррусского state after the Moscow. While Moscow was busy Lithuanian-Polish invaders, Yaroslavl within six months actually doing the capital functions. On the "gold century" the city reminiscent of numerous temples of the time, rich on silhouette and in its most kept the original Wall painting. After Peter's reforms Yaroslavl loses former value, turning in the ordinary the Center of the province. The stages europeanization верхневолжья show such related to Yaroslavl events as device Russian-Dutch мануфактурызатрапезновых, base F. Volkov the first in Russia provincial theater, issue of the first in the province of the Journal "lone пошехонец" base of one of the first in the country of higher education institutions -демидовского Lyceum (1803). Modern regular plan Yaroslavl received приекатерине ii. In July 1918 city has become the scene of one of the largest performances against the Soviet - Yaroslavl uprising. In годыиндустриализации Yaroslavl turns into a large industrial Center, industrial appendage the capital region with specialization in chemical industry. Entered in the system such large companies, as Yaroslavl car plant (1916, now engine), Yaroslavl bus plant (1932, in your time the largest in Europe), новоярославский refinery (1961). In 2010, Yaroslavl said his 1000 anniversary.
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