Слюда,- я надеюсь на тебя ты поможишь мне- Помогите срочно!!!. с 1--7.

Слюда,- я надеюсь на тебя ты поможишь мне- Помогите срочно!!!. с 1--7.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1) 1 stadium 2 cathedral 3 theatre 4 castle 5 garden 6 statue 2) egg, mushroom, grape, butter, vegetable, meat, sugar, cheese. 3) uncountable: butter, meat, sugar, cheese. Countable: egg, mushroom, vegetable, grape. 4) a, an, some, any, any, some. 5) there is, there are, there isn't, there aren't, there aren't, there is. 6) between, in front of, above, in, on. 7) help, some, any, have got, there is, is it doing, it is, does.
1-stadium 2cathedral 3theatre 4не пойму на картинке 5------- 6statue 2.3.делаю сразу два countable-mushroom.egg.vegetable. uncountable-butter.sugar.cheese.meat. 4 B.a.an.some Aany Aany.some 5 1there is an aeroplane 2there are some shops 3there isn't a theatre 4there aren't two people 5there aren't any department stores 6there is a statue 6 1between 2in front of 3above 4in 5on 7 1help you 2some 3any 4 've got 5there's 6 's it doing? 7It's swimming 8doesn't напиши в комментах ,что нарисовано.на 4 и5 картинках по русски.я перевела и напишу
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