Сочинение мой любимый цветок роза на англ                                          

Сочинение мой любимый цветок роза на англ                                          
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Rose is the oldest flower in the history of mankind. To grow roses and to select the best models began three millennia BC in ancient China. According to legend, the first striking beauty of the wild plants of roses, created by nature itself, were brought from the banks of the Yangtze and huange. Ancient Chinese gardeners lovingly tended the roses, noticing and choosing the most beautiful. Some sources also refer to the experience of the gardeners of Ancient Egypt, learned to achieve an abundant and almost continuous flowering roses throughout the year. The birthplace of the rose is the Ancient India and Central Asia, where the flower came to Asia Minor, Greece and later in Europe. The ancient peoples of the East, the rose has always been a sacred and deeply revered flower. In Ancient India the rose belonged to the status of flower preserver of the Universe Vishnu, therefore the priests were decorated with roses, temples, rose-petal strewn path during religious celebrations and festive processions. It was believed that the contemplation of blooming roses clears the mind, heals the soul and brings it into harmony with the world. Special honor rose were used in Ancient Persia, where it was considered a flower of Allah and his gift to the people. To Russia rose hit from Bulgaria. Christian art glorified the rose as a sign of innocence, purity and Holiness, it was considered a heavenly flower. Over time the rose became closely associated with the virgin Mary, which depicted surrounded by bushes of roses in Paradise. The red rose became a symbol of the suffering Christ, which was shed in the name of living people on Earth blood.
To my mind, everyone loves flowers. There is a big variety of flowers, but my favorite flower is daisy. Daisies are simple and at the same time elegant flowers. They have white petals with yellow centers. Daisies are popular garden flowers. I think, the bouquet of daisies is the most beautiful. Daises  evoke and symbolize innocence and purity, so that they are often used as wedding flowers in many countries. Also this flower  is used in many herbal remedies and treatments. Daisies are easy to grow, so they are extremely popular flowers.    На мой взгляд, каждый любит цветы. Существует большое разнообразие цветов, но мой любимый цветок – это ромашка. Ромашки простые и в то же время изящные цветы. У них белые лепестки, желтые центры. Ромашки популярные садовые цветы. Я думаю, букет ромашек – самый красивый. Ромашки вызывают и символизирует невинность и чистоту, поэтому они часто используются в качестве свадебных букетов во многих странах. Также этот цветок используется во многих травяных лекарственных средствах и методов лечения. Ромашки легко выращивать, поэтому они чрезвычайно популярны.
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