Сочинение на тему белая акула на английском
Сочинение на тему белая акула на английском
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Great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) got its name in 1873. Before that it was called Squalus carcharias. In different countries, it was called, and fish And these endemic names are not accidental. After all, this member of the family porbeagle has a very frightening view. Reaching a length of 6 meters and a weight of more than two tons, this shark has every right to be called a killing machine. Huge, retractable jaw forward with hundreds of sharp, jagged at the edges of the teeth are able to easily "saw through" thick wooden beams. And if we add here also the force of contraction of deadly jaws, it is true, a terrible fish is hard to imagine. Great white shark In the snatch white shark develops strength, which is equal to its weight. Two White predator gets its name "uzhasnozubaya" (trans. From Greek species name 'karharodon ") is not in vain. Her teeth 5 cm long terrified the fishermen and residents of coastal waters. These terrible murder weapon has always been and remains an expensive trophy. Unfortunately, the white sharks there are only 3.5 thousand throughout the world's oceans. Negatively affect the situation and the claim that shark cartilage help in the fight against cancer. But the most serious problem, which is not only great white sharks, but even with all types of sharks The larger the size of the fins, the greater the revenue obtained from the sale of poachers on the black market. White shark feeds mainly on fish (mainly juveniles sharks) and marine mammals: sea lions and seals. It is quite understandable statistics of shark attacks on the person who argues that most shark attacks longer than 3 meters (78% of the total number of attacks). After all, young shark considers this "booty" is people, too big. Food addiction white death In fact, the shark does not consider a person as food. The fat in it is very small, and karharodonu necessary for the life of a lot of energy. The ratio of the amount of energy expended in digestion and the capture of the person and the energy that the predator will get, having learned that food bony, disproportionate. Eternally hungry shark in the womb, when the embryo begins to eat his fellows, who have not yet had time to hatch. Childbearing shark bodies akin to the conveyor. Some eggs just waiting for fertilization, the other part is already in ampullar expansion oviducts (capsule), with ready White sharks Features white sharks, but "the devil is not so terrible as he is painted." In fact, the shark attacks a person not because he sees it as a component of their diet, and in view of the fact that often confuses it with his favorite prey. From the depths of the ocean it is very difficult to discern the contours of the human body and the body of a marine mammal. In addition, in the dark, or in muddy water shark has an advantage over the man Basically, most of the white shark attacks a person was provoked by the people themselves. Sharks perfectly adapted over millions of years of existence, to life in the aquatic environment. They can be called the most perfect fish of all species known to man. For a more successful survival they lack only one thing Its only enemy
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