Сочинение о тигре как вымирающем животном на англ языке

Сочинение о тигре как вымирающем животном на англ языке
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Amur tiger Panthera tigris altaica Group: Predatory (Carnivora) Family: Cat's (Felidae) Sort: Panthera Under protection: In 1947 the tiger has been taken under protection — in Russia hunting for him has been completely forbidden. This surprising animal is entered in the Red list of the International union of conservation and the Red List of the Russian Federation as the look which is under the threat of disappearance is included in the Appendix II of the Convention on international trade in the types of wild fauna and flora which are under the threat of disappearance (SITES). Where lives: Now 95% of all population of the Amur tiger live in the Far East Russia. 5% – in China. Size: Length of a body of the Amur tiger without tail – 160-200 cm, length of a tail is about 100 cm. The weight of an adult animal can reach 300 kg. The biggest recorded mass of a tiger – 384 kg. Appearance: The Amur tiger is larger than the southern relatives, his wool more dense and is lighter. On a reddish background, forming a difficult pattern, there are cross dark strips. Drawing on a skin of a tiger is unique as fingerprints at the person: you won't find two tigers with an identical pattern. Black strips, despite their brightness, serve a tiger as masking. And here big white spots on the black back of ears have other appointment. When the tigress goes on the wood, she puts ears so that the black-and-white field is perfectly visible to the tiger cubs following her. In the winter the skin of tigers brightens, becomes dense and fluffy. The tiger isn't afraid of big snow – wide paws help to go on them to him
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