Сочинение по английскому на тему:выходные в парке
Сочинение по английскому на тему:выходные в парке
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Last weekends I was in the park. The weather was cool, the sun was shining. I walked down the (тропинка, поищи), and saw many plants around. There was many plants that I know, but I'd also seen unknown ones. They was very beautiful. Some time later I saw my friend, walking towards me. We talked a little, then I decided to go home. At home I searched the web for those plants, that I saw in the park. It was very interesting to read about them. I shall remember that stroll (прогулка) for a long time...
Ранним утром мы с мамой отправились на прогулку в парк. Была суббота. Было очень тепло и солнечно. Мы гуляли по аллее и видели очень красивый фонтан с лебедем. Потом я купила нам с мамой мороженое и мы сели в беседку под красивым деревом. Мама предложила нам сфотографироваться у красивой скульптуры и мы попросили прохожего. Затем якаталась на каруселях. Было весело. Наверное это была самая незабываемая суббота. Early in the morning my mother and I went for a walk in the park. It was a Saturday. It was very warm and sunny. We walked through the mall and saw a very beautiful fountain with a swan. Then I bought us ice cream with mom and we sat in the gazebo under a beautiful tree. Mom suggested we take a picture with the beautiful sculptures and we asked a passerby. Then yakatalas on the carousel. It was fun. Perhaps it was the most memorable Saturday
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