Сочинение:Getting a good salary is more important than job

Сочинение:Getting a good salary is more important than job
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Many people dream of well-paid jobs. Many applicants think that a good salary is the only important point in the choice of profession, but there are some people who think that your work will satisfy you. I for a second opinion, and now I will explain why.  First, the boring work bring you a lot of stress. Busy life is harmful; it can cause health problems or psychological exhaustion. Secondly, if your work does not suit you, it will not help you to grow mentally and even physically. You simply have no motivation in this case. Motivation is not only important for personal development, but this is very important if you want to get promoted. Last but not least, if You are not interested in your job, you're hired. I think it's obvious.  My opponents can say that job satisfaction is not always well-paid, but I don't agree with them. Honestly, I think that you could earn even with the help of a stupid craze, if you really like this hobby, and can do it again. People get money, even making balloon animals. Hard work and you will succeed. To summarize, I think that job satisfaction is a very important thing. Maybe their favorite thing or hobby will immediately turn you into the founder of a successful Corporation and the rich man?
It is very important to have a satisfying job. Job satisfaction has been defined as an affective reaction to one job. To my mind, money is not important as feeling, that you are making your favorite work. So that the happiest people are with their job, the more satisfied in life. For any organization is important that people be efficient. For that they must be motivated. Job satisfaction is not the same as motivation, although it is clearly linked. Also job satisfaction influences on working performance. Other influences on satisfaction job include the management style and culture, employee involvement in the working process, empowerment and work in groups. Job satisfaction is a very important attribute which is frequently measured by organizations. The employers can ask questions about level of pay, work responsibilities and promotional opportunities. Of course to get a lot of money is very important, but first of all person should like his job and feel comfort in it. There are several factors, which are important for every working person. These factors are mentally challenging work, equitable rewards of work, comfortable working conditions, supportive colleagues and personality-job place. In the first factor that I chose is conditions that make employees satisfied with their work. People prefer surrounding that is not dangerous for their life or health. Also they prefer working close to home, because workers do not want waste much time for the trip. The new technologies and appropriate equipment are significant for every modern person. It makes their work more interesting and easier. Personally, I totally agree that job conditions are important for people, and I do not want to have any problems with that in the future. Because of discomfort most of the employees can be very angry. Second factor that I choose is good relations with colleagues, because co-workers and bosses support is also very important factor of everyone’s job. People get more out of work than tangible achievements. For most employees, work also necessity for social interaction. Not surprisingly, therefore, having friendly relations with co-workers leads to increased job satisfaction. The behavior and character of boss also is a determinant. If the character of your boss is nasty or you do not like each other it will be unbearable for you to work. Job requires interaction bosses with workers, observing organizational rules and special policies and performance standards. Comfortable working conditions and welfare what is workers need. My opinion is that if you are not satisfied with your job, than there is no point to stay there. Even if you get the high salary, constant discontent feeling of working conditions will leads you to have a lot of stresses, depressions or even to diseases. I personally think that success in career is contained in self-realization and opportunity using you skills and knowledge. So if you are happy at work, you are happy in life!
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