Соедините   простые   предложения   в   одно   сложное,       показав грамматически (т.е. при помощи Past Perfect)последовательность    действий.    При    необходимостидобавьте обстоятельства времени.1. We arrived at the airpo...

Соедините   простые   предложения   в   одно   сложное,        показав грамматически (т.е. при помощи Past Perfect) последовательность    действий.    При    необходимости добавьте обстоятельства времени. 1. We arrived at the airport. The secretary typed the letters. 2. The company finished its work by 7 o'clock. The chief engineer left the office. 3. The partners discussed some business matters. They came back from the plant. 4. The director studied all the documents closely. He could watch the 10 o'clock television news with pleasure. 5. 1 phoned Mr. Thompson. He didn't come back home from the office.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. When we arrived at the airport, the secretary had already typed the letters. 2. When the company had finished its work, the chief engineer left the office.  3. The partners discussed some business matters after they had come back from the plant. 4. When the director had studied all the documents closely, he could watch the 10 o'clock television news with pleasure. 5. I phoned Mr. Thompson when he hadn't come back home from the office.
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