Составить криминальную историю. 130-150 слов. Задеть пункты What was the crime? Who were the criminals? What did they do? Who was the victim? Were there any witnesses? Did the police catch the criminals? if so, how? Поставил 50...
Составить криминальную историю. 130-150 слов. Задеть пункты
What was the crime?
Who were the criminals?
What did they do?
Who was the victim?
Were there any witnesses?
Did the police catch the criminals? if so, how?
Поставил 50 баллов. Просьба писать 130-150 слов, можно на русском. За спам буду репортить.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
This crime happened on 15 of the January in 1995 in small town called Minessota. It was southern district of the town. It was deep night. And everybody was sleeping. This crime was theft and murder. These criminals turned out to be salespersons in local department store. They broke into a woman's house soundlessly and tryed to steal her jewelry and money. But activated signalling. The woman waked up and went to the noise. Unfortunately, the thieves noticed her and killed with knife. She got six knife wounds. The woman was the victim. There were several witnesses, heard the strange noise. They spotted murderers and called the police but they ran away. First time the police could not find them. But witnesses made their photorobot. They were caught very quickly.Their names were Martin Luter, John Trueman.
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