Составить рассказ по английски про Россию

Составить рассказ по английски про Россию
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Russia is a huge country with a large number of climate and time zones. The Russian Federation occupies almost 2/3 of the Northern zone of Eurasia continent. Area of the territory of the state - 17 million square km. The capital of Russia - Moscow, one of the largest megacities of the world.     The trip to Russia, can stay in the memory of the traveler for many reasons. First of all, it is a country with one of the largest territories in the world and a huge number of people inhabiting it. Amazing and diverse nature of Russia. In addition, Russia is a country with rich and interesting history. Numerous cultural and historical monuments will appreciate lovers of antiquity
ЭТО ПЕРЕВОД -Я живу в самой большой стране. Это Россия. Здесь очень много красивых городов. Москва- столица нашей страны. У нас много прекрасных рек и озер, огромные поля и дремучие леса. Я горжусь своей страной. I live in the greatest country. It s Russia. There are many beautiful cities. Moscow - the capital of our country. We have many beautiful lakes and rivers, vast fields and thick forests. I m proud of my country.
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