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Составьте рассказ про национальную одежду у татар на английском.Пожалуйста срочно
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In Tatar, National Costume voplotylos all national Mastery Creativity and infinite people эtoho Aspiration for perfection. Tatar costume tells about yndyvydualnыh hell man, his character and aesthetic taste. For Clothing vozrast you can get a sotsyalnoe Pos obladatelya ego. People's suit Tatars javljaetsja samыm striking yndykatorom of the National ACCESSORIES rights. Traditional Clothing tatarTatarы - dostatochno Broad concept. There nemalыy spectrum subgroup Tatars. In Tatar natsyonalnыy suit Effect okazaly East traditions, Islam and slozhyvshyysya for the end of the XIX century costume natsyonalnыy Povolzhskii Tatars. How and others natsyonalnыe Suits, Tatar complex of the National odezhdы proshel debt historically path of development. In the suit, National Tatar harmonychno sochetayutsya tissue nasыschennыh "vostochnыh" tsvetov, holovnыe uborы co slozhnыm and bohatыm ornament Various types shoes, vыsokohudozhestvennыe Jewelry ukrashenyya, forming such a way, nepovtorymuyu system of national creativity. Zhenskaya and muzhskaya tatarskaya natsyonalnaya Clothing Osnovopolahayuschye elements odezhdы bыly obschymy to vseh Tatars. Signs of National Obschym Tatar costume bыla ego trapetsyevydnaya form. Tatars were dlynnыe shyrokye tunykoobraznыe rubahy raspashnuyu verhnyuyu Clothing and co sploshnoy prytalennoy spynkoy. The basis Tatar costume in men and women sostavlyaly rubaha (kulmek) and shtanы (ыshtan). Vplot to seredynы obscherasprostranennoy XIX century the Tatars bыla Ancient tunykoobraznaya rubaha, shylas ÎÍÀ IZ straight, bend back panel without plechevыh shvov, with gusset, vstavnыmy bokovыmy klynyamy and razrezom the center chest. In Kazan Tatars preobladala rubaha with vorotnykom-stoykoy. That second tunykoobraznыh rubah tatarskaya rubaha otlychalas dlynoy own way and shyrynoy. ÎÍÀ bыla Very svobodnoy, dlynoy to the knees, with wide sleeves and dlynnыmy Everybody lies podpoyasыvalas. Zhenskaya rubaha otlychalas from Statistics Only dlynoy - Almost ÎÍÀ reached to his ankles. Sostoyatelnыe Tartar could allow me himself shyt rubahy IZ pokupnыh expensive fabrics - shelka, wool, fabric and Brocade hlopchatobumazhnoy. Such rubahy ukrashalys ruffles, raznotsvetnыmy ribbon, lace, tesmoy. Neotъemlemoy chastyu zhenskoy ancient rubahy bыl Nizhniy bib (kukrekche, tesheldrek). Online nadevalsya Down Under rubahu with deeply vыrezom, Avto Hide raspahyvayuschyysya movement at vыrez chest. Shtanы (ыshtan) predstavljajut a wide rasprostranennuyu form tyurkskoy poyasnoy odezhdы "shtanы with a wide pitch." Muzhskye shtanы Usually IZ polosatoy sewed fabric (pestryady) Women were odnotonnыe. Naryadnыe prazdnychnыe Or svadebnыe muzhskye shtanы IZ domotkanoy were made with fabric crayons striking patterns. Upper Clothing Tatars bыla raspashnoy. Shylas ÎÍÀ IZ fabrychnoy fabric (h / b, wool), cloth, canvas, fabric and domotkanoy IZ mechanic. Upper Clothing shylas with tselnoy prytalennoy spynkoy, with klynyamy Right on the sides and smell. K Taco Clothing can be otnesty (bezrukavnыy Or with short sleeves) camisole, yavlyavshyysya raznovydnostyu home odezhdы, kazakyn - kind demysezonnoy odezhdы, byshmet - zymnyaya Upper Clothing uteplennaya cotton Or ovechey sherstyu, chabulы chykmen - rabochaya Clothing IZ homespun cloth, chabulы tun - mehovaya coat , often krыtaya tkanyu. Visits to mosques Men wore chapan. Neotъemlemыm top attribute odezhdы Tatars bыl zone. Yspolzovalys belt domotkanoy of matter IZ, IZ fabrychnoy tissue, less frequently - knitted. Zhenskaya Upper Clothing otlychalas from Statistics lysh dekoratyvnыmy details. When sewing zhenskoy odezhdы yspolzovaly otdelku mehom, vыshyvkoy, lace, dekoratyvnoy strochkoy. Women often worn over a camisole rubahy. Schytalsya of flight camisole Home Or vыhodnoy odezhdoy in dependence from otdelky. Kamzolы sewn to dlynnыmy Or knees to hip short, with sleeves and without, with the High Gate Or with deeply vыrezom chest. Hem edges, proymы rukavov, gate coat adorned lace, stripes alum, ptychymy Perrier and mehom. Zatem in areas vostochnыh jacket were ukrashat coins. Tatarskye natsyonalnыe holovnыe uborы Muzhskye holovnыe uborы Tatars podrazdelyalys on domashnye (nyzhnye) and vыhodnыe (verhnye). Home holovnыm dress bыla cap - nebolshaya, nadevaemaya on makushku cap. Floor skullcaps nadevaly Various materchatыe caps voylochnыe shlyapы, mehovыe caps (börek) rytualnыe holovnыe uborы (turban) .tatarskaya cap Skullcap and prostehyvaly Between the lines zakladыvaly skruchennыy Or konskyy hair cord. When sewing skullcaps yspolzovaly vsevozmozhnыe Various types of fabrics and Receptions ornamentatsyy, Thanks to chemu sozdavalys beskonechnыe varyatsyy эtoho hats. Samыe Bright vыshytыe skullcaps prednaznachalys for young, old and vzroslыe Men wore skullcaps More skromnыe odnotonnыe. In zhenskyh holovnыh hats Tatars Rosary proslezhyvalas vozrastnaya dyfferentsyatsyya.
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