СРОЧНО ! Помогите кто что может Задание 1. Определите, какой из вариантов Английского языка использует говорящий в каждом предложении, и выберите подходящее слово. We’ve decided to take our vacation in the autumn/fall this yea...

СРОЧНО ! Помогите кто что может Задание 1. Определите, какой из вариантов Английского языка использует говорящий в каждом предложении, и выберите подходящее слово. We’ve decided to take our vacation in the autumn/fall this year. At my son’s high school the new term/semester starts next week. I never eat biscuits or sweets/candy. Put that garbage in the dustbin/trashcan. The trousers look nice with that waistcoat/vest. Задание 2. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в форму инфинитива или герундия. He stopped _________ some bilk on his way home. (buy) After their quarrel they stopped _________. (talk) The TV set didn’t work so they tried ___________ the aerial. (move) We tried _________ the shelf but it was too high. (reach) Finally she managed to stop _________.(smoke) The surgeon tried _________ the patient but that girl lost a lot of blood. (save) Children, stop __________. Your mother is sleeping. (shout) If you don’t like your room, try __________ some pictures on the wall. (put) Before crossing the road I stopped _________ if there were any cars. (check) All the firefighters tried __________ the fire. (extinguish) Задание 3. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу глаголами, поставив их в форму -ing. Fly, watch, wear, dance, write, do, lie, play, work, go I don’t enjoy __________ letters. My sister likes _________ hats. I hate ______ the ironing. I prefer __________ the piano in the evening. I didn’t enjoy _______ to the museums when I was a child. She doesn’t like ________. She is afraid of height. I think everybody likes ___________on the beach all day. You are so lazy! When will you start _________ at last? He prefers ___________ rugby to playing it. I enjoy __________ a waltz.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. 1. english/ american .autumn. 2. english/american. new term.  3. english/american. sweets. 4. english/ american. trashcan. 5. american/english. waistcoat. 2.  1. to buy. 2. talking. 3. to move. 4. to reach. 5. smoking. 6. to save. 7. shouting. 8. putting. 9. to check. 10. to extinguish. 3. 1. writing. 2. wearing. 3. doing. 4. playing. 5. going. 6. flying. 7. lying. 8. working. 9. watching. 10. dancing. 
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