СРОЧНО ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ♥3 И РЕБЯТ 80 БАЛОВ♥ 1)Unfortunately, Simone ........ a day off very often 1.hasn't been getting 2.hagn't got 3.isn't getting 4.doesn't get 2)It's nice to win, but the important thing is to ......................

СРОЧНО ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ♥3 И РЕБЯТ 80 БАЛОВ♥ 1)Unfortunately, Simone ........ a day off very often 1.hasn't been getting 2.hagn't got 3.isn't getting 4.doesn't get 2)It's nice to win, but the important thing is to .................... your best. 1.take 2.make 3.have 4.do 3)I got a new baseball ........ yesterday. 1.club 2.stick 3.bat 4.racket 4)What are you doing here alone? - I ........ about last competition. 1.think 2.have thought 3.have been thinking 4.am thinking 5)..... TV for the last four hours? Turn it off and get some exercise! 1.Have you been watching 2.Watched you 3.Do you watch 4.Are you watching 6)Everyone expects Johnson to ............. Smith in today's final. 1.win 2.champion 3.score 4.beat 7)In this game, the players ........... it in turns to throw the dice. 1.take 2.have 3.make 4.do 8)Ian ..... a shower at the moment, so could you call back in about half an hour? 1.has been taking 2.is taking 3.has taken 4.takes 9)The .............. in the stadiumall cheered the athletes. 1.viewers 2.spectators 3.onlookers 4.witnesses 10)Edik, ............ hockey competitively or just for fun? 1.are you usually playing 2.have you usually been playing 3.have you usually played 4.do you usually play 11)I'm just nervous because I ......... a party tonight. 1.have had 2.have been having 3.have 4.am having 12)Jack ...... here since 1975. 1.live 2.is living 3.lives 4.has been living 13)It .............. that volunteering is becoming more nd more popuar. 1.has been seeming 2.seems 3.is seeming 4.seem 14)How much money ............. a week? 1.are you spending 2.have you been spending 3.do you spend 4.have you spent 15)Carl wasn't very good at mountain clmbing as he's afraid of .................... . 1.highs 2.height 3.highness 4.heights 16)....... to Ipswich before? 1.Have you ever been 2.Have you ever been going 3.Do you ever go 4.Are you ever going 17)Our new coach is popular ............. the whole team. 1.by 2.with 3.to 4.for 18)Andy, John and Brian .................. while Barbara, Fiona and Kim are going jogging. 1.have been rnning the marathon 2.run the marathon 3.are running he marathon 4.are run the marathon Буду очень рада если правильно )))
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