Supply the correct tense form and then change the sentences into the interrogative and negative: 1. They … English now. (to learn) 2. The girl…a cake at the moment. (to make) 3. I … another book on history now.(to read) 4. At 1...

Supply the correct tense form and then change the sentences into the interrogative and negative: 1. They … English now. (to learn) 2. The girl…a cake at the moment. (to make) 3. I … another book on history now.(to read) 4. At 12:30 yesterday we … lunch in the park.(to eat) 5. Yesterday morning I … through the park. (to be jogging) 6. The child … the piano while his classmates … to him.(to play, to listen) 7. You constantly … your gloves. (to lose) Take better care of your things. 8. While I …, you … at a disco. (to work, to dance) 9. What you … when the plane landed? (to think 1 about) 10. What … at 11:00 tomorrow? (to happen) 11. She fore ver … her living room. (to redecorate) 12. Kate … her back when she … in the garden. (to hurt, to work) 13. At 9 o’clock tomorrow she … a book. (to read) 14. What you … this evening (to do), while I ... (to cook)? 15. “What your mother (to read) when she is on holiday?” - She (to read) adventure stories, but now she (to read) a book on history. 16. My mother usually (to cook) soup for lunch, but today she (to cook) beef. 17. I usually (to have) a salad, but I (to have) a sandwich now. 18. What Bob (to do) in the kitchen? He (to taste) the soup to see if it needs salt .
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. They are learning English now. Are they learning English now? They aren't learning English now. 2.Is making. Is the girl making a cake now? The girl isn't making a cake now. 3. am reading. Are you reading another book on history now? I'm not reading another book on history now. 4.were eating. Were you eating lunch in the park at 12:30 yesterday? We weren't aeting lunch in the park at 12:30 yesterday. 5.was jogging. Were you jogging through the park yesterday morning?  I wasn't jogging through the park yesterday morning. 6.was playing, were listening. Was the child playing the piano while his classmates were listening to him? The child wasn't playing the piano while his classmates weren't listening to him. 7.are losing,  8.was working, were dancing 9.were you thinking about 10.will be happening 11.decorates 12.hurt, was working 13. will be reading 14.will you be doing, will be cooking 15.does your mother read, reads, is reading 16.cooks, has cooked 17.have, am having 18. is Bob doing, is tasting
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