Употребите “much”, “many”, “little”, “few” 1. I am busy now. I have … time. 2. We know … English and American songs. 3. There is not … milk in the fridge. 4. There are … rooms in the house. 5. Does she read…? 6. Are there … b...

Употребите “much”, “many”, “little”, “few” 1. I am busy now. I have … time. 2. We know … English and American songs. 3. There is not … milk in the fridge. 4. There are … rooms in the house. 5. Does she read…? 6. Are there … bedrooms in your house? 7. …people know Chinese. 8. … people learn English. 9. Nick has … English books but very … Russian books. 10. There is … light in that room, because there are … windows in it. 11. She talks, but does…. 12. Is there … or … furniture in your new flat?
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1 little 2 many 3 much 4many 5much 6many 7few 8many 9many/few 10much/many 11little 12many/little
1. little. 2. many. 3. much. 4. few. 5. much. 6. many. 7. many. 8. many. 9. many. few. 10. little. few.  11. little. 12. much or little. 
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