Упр. 1. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. 1. This is ... book. It is my ... book. 2. Is this your ... pencil? — No, it isn't my ... pencil, it is ray sister's ... pencil. 3. I have ... sister. My ... sister is ... engineer. My ...

Упр. 1. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. 1. This is ... book. It is my ... book. 2. Is this your ... pencil? — No, it isn't my ... pencil, it is ray sister's ... pencil. 3. I have ... sister. My ... sister is ... engineer. My sister's ... husband is ... doctor. 4. I have no ... handbag. 5. Is this ... watch? — No, it isn't ... watch, it's ... pen. 6. This ... pen is good, and that ... pen is bad. 7. I can see ... pencil on your ... table, but I can see no ... paper. 8. Give me ... chair, please. 9. They have ... dog and two ... cats. 10. I have ... spoon in my ... plate, but I have no ... soup in it.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. This is a book. It is my book. 2. Is this your pencil? — No, it isn't my pencil, it is Ray sister's pencil. 3. I have a sister. My sister is an engineer. My sister's husband is a doctor. 4. I have no handbag. 5. Is this a watch? — No, it isn't a watch, it's a pen. 6. This  pen is good, and that pen is bad. 7. I can see a pencil on your table, but I can see no paper. 8. Give me a(the) chair, please. 9. They have a dog and two cats. 10. I have a spoon in my plate, but I have no soup in it.
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