Упражнение 10. Choose the correct form of will or going to. Pete: What (1 you do) ______________ this weekend? Sara: I (2 go) _____________ to Paul's house on Saturday to watch a video. What about you? Pete: Well, I (3 not go) ...

Упражнение 10. Choose the correct form of will or going to. Pete: What (1 you do) ______________ this weekend? Sara: I (2 go) _____________ to Paul's house on Saturday to watch a video. What about you? Pete: Well, I (3 not go) ______________ to Paul's house because it's my mum's birthday. But I (4 play) __________ football on Sunday morning. Sara: Oh really? I (5 come) ______________ and watch! Pete: OK. I (6 see) ____________ you there. Will: I think I (7 go) ___________ swimming. Do you want to come? Sue: I can't. I (8 visit) ______________ my grandparents. What (9 you do) ___________ tomorrow? Will: I (10 see) ___________ a film with Andy and Jill. Do you want to come too? Sue: Yes, great! I (11 meet) _____________ you outside the cinema. Упражнение 11. Choose the correct answer. 1 Don t touch that dog. It’s going to bite / It’ll bite you. 2 I'm going out for a walk now. - But it's raining. -Oh, is it? Well, I'm going/ I’ll go out later. 3 Why don't you change your hair style? You're going to look / You 'll look much better. 4 Why do you want to sell your flat? - I'll move / I'm going to move to Madrid.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
Pete: What (1 are you going to do) this weekend? Sara: I (2 am going to go) to Paul's house on Saturday to watch a video. What about you? Pete: Well, I (3 shall not go) to Paul's house because it's my mum's birthday. But I (4 shall play) football on Sunday morning. Sara: Oh really? Shall I (5 come) and watch! Pete: OK. I (6 will see) you there. Will: I think I (7 shall go) swimming. Do you want to come? Sue: I can't. I (8 am going to visit) my grandparents. What (9 are you going to do) tomorrow? Will: I (10 am going to see) a film with Andy and Jill. Do you want to come too? Sue: Yes, great! I (11 will meet) you outside the cinema. 1 Don t touch that dog. It’ll bite you. 2 I'm going out for a walk now. - But it's raining. -Oh, is it? I’ll go out later. 3 Why don't you change your hair style? You 'll look much better. 4 Why do you want to sell your flat? - I'm going to move to Madrid.
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