Упражнение 4. Дополните диалоги глаголами в необходимой форме (Present Perfect или Past Simple). 1. I … (see) Tom last night. – Oh, really. I … (not meet) him for ages. 2. We … (never hear) this song before. Is it famous in you...

Упражнение 4. Дополните диалоги глаголами в необходимой форме (Present Perfect или Past Simple). 1. I … (see) Tom last night. – Oh, really. I … (not meet) him for ages. 2. We … (never hear) this song before. Is it famous in your country? - Yes, it is. It … (be) quite popular here for many years. 3. What … (do) last Sunday? – I … (spend) it at home. – Oh, that’s great! I … (not spend) my weekends at home since last year. 4. … (you ever win) a cooking contest? – Yes, I … (win) in 2008. 5. When … (you meet) Alice for the first time? – We … (meet) each other in 1997. – So how long … (you be) best friends? – We … (be) friends for more than 15 years.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. I … (saw) Tom last night. – Oh, really. I … (have not met) him for ages. 2. We … (have never heard) this song before. Is it famous in your country? - Yes, it is. It … (was) quite popular here for many years. 3. What … (did you do) last Sunday? – I … (spent) it at home. – Oh, that’s great! I … (have not spent) my weekends at home since last year. 4. … (Have you ever won) a cooking contest? – Yes, I … (won) in 2008. 5. When … (did you meet) Alice for the first time? – We … (met) each other in 1997. – So how long … (have you been) best friends? – We … (have been) friends for more than 15 years.
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