Use the proper form: 1. Both my … work in an office in the downtown. A) brothers-in-laws B) brother-in-laws C) brother-in-law D) brothers-in-law 2. Several … are flying in the sky. A) aircraftes B) aircrafts C) airscrafts ...

Use the proper form: 1. Both my … work in an office in the downtown. A) brothers-in-laws B) brother-in-laws C) brother-in-law D) brothers-in-law 2. Several … are flying in the sky. A) aircraftes B) aircrafts C) airscrafts D) aircraft 3. My both … favourite TV series … 'Santa Barbara'. A) grandmothers’, are B) grandmother’s, are C) grandmothers’s, is D) grandmothers’, is 4. When … the latest news on TV? - … at 9 a.m. A) are … It is B) is … It is C) are …They are D) are ... It is 5. Tom’s dad was operated yesterday. He is still in ... hospital. Tom is going to ... hospital to see him. A) the; —- B) a; a C) —-; the D) the; —- 6. Many … villages in … Oxfordshire are very picturesque. A) of; the B) —; — C) of; an D) —; a 7. What do you call ... people of ... Japan? - ... Japanese. A) —-; —-; the B) the; —-; —- C) —-; the ; —- D) the; the; the 8. ... Russian language was made up on … territory of modern Russia by ... Slavs inhabited this territory . A) The; the; the B) —-; the; the C) The; —- ;--- D) The; the; —- 9. ... Statue of Liberty was ... gift of friendship from ... France to ... United States. A) The; a; —-; the B) —-; a; —-; —- C) —-; the; —-; the D) The; —-; —-; the 10. The house was small and there were not … rooms in it. A) little B) much C) many D) a little 11. … is Rob like? - He is generous and kind. A) What B) How C) Which D) Who 12. Could you pass me the salt, please? A) Yes, I am. B) Here you do. C) Here you are. D) Yes, please 13. I didn't go to the party last night. A) Neither I. B) Neither I did. C) Neither did I. D) Neither me. 14. Are you going … holiday this year? A) in B) on C) at D) to 15. Mr. Smith is much … than his wife but they are … couple I … A) older; happy; have ever met B) older; happiest; ever met C) old; the happiest; have ever met D) older; the happiest; have ever met
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