(ВАРИАНТ 1) Выберите правильный вариант из предложенных. 1. What is that? [A — They / В — It / С ?

(ВАРИАНТ 1) Выберите правильный вариант из предложенных. 1. What is that? [A — They / В — It / С ??? There] is my computer. 2. My brother is [A — one /B — a/C~ an] officer. 3. [A — This/ В — These/С— That] flowers are very beau­ tiful. 4. Are [A — those / В — that / С — there] books interest­ ing? 5. [A — It has/В — It is/С — There is] a dog in the gar­ den. 6. I [A — has / В — have / С — had] to go to the library tomorrow. 7. Kate is here, but her parents [A — isn't/ В — wasn't/ С — aren't]. 8. You ought [A — stay/В — to stay/ С — staying] at home. 9. He should/!4 — write/ В — to write/ С — writing] a let­ ter. 10. Mike [A -~ like/ В — likes/С — can] to speak English. 11. I hope you've got [A — a / В — any / С — some] money. 12. Do you want [A — know/ В — to know/C — knowing] the news? 13. We've got [A — a few/В — a little/С — a number] ap­ ples left. 14. There aren't [A — a lot/ В — many / С — much] people here today. 15. [A — Is/В — Has/ С — Does] she get up early every day? 16. Were you in Moscow last year? — No, I [A — didn't/В — weren't / С — wasn't].17 \ [A — have never been /В — was never /С — am never being] \o Moscow yet. 18. [A —Isn't/B — Doesn't/С — Hasn't] she going to clean the room today? 19. The boys [A — play / В — is playing /C — are playing] football at the moment. 20. She [A — caught/В — catches /C- will catch]the 7. 30 train yesterday. 21. Kate [A — loses/В — has lost/ С — lost] her pencils very often. 22. [A — Did you do/ B — Do you do/C — Have you done] much work yesterday? 23. He [A ~ hurries/В ~ hurried/С — is hurrying] because he was late. 24. Who is she looking [A — on/В — at/С — top 24. 25. Our holidays are [A — in / В — at/ С — on] August. 26. What's the matter [A — by/B — on/C — with] him? 27. This book is [A — my / В — me / С — mine]. 28. Don't help him. He will do everything [A — myself/ В — himself/ С — yourself]- 29. We are playing [A — ours / В — our/ С — us] favourite game. 30. It is much [A — warm / В — warmer/ С — more warm] here. 31. She is not as old [A — that / B — than /C — as]Лат. 32. Ann is [A — very/В — more/С — much] intelligent than Max. 33. Yesterday was the [A — shortest/ В — most short/ С — very short] day this year. 34. >№'!! listen to Professor's lecture and [A — therefore/В - then/С — than] we'll have a break. 35. 35. He is the [A ~very good/ В — best/C — better] student in the group. 36. [A— Where/B— Why/Q— Who] wrote that letter? 38. Диагностический тест 37. She went home early [A — because/В — while/С — till] she had finished her work. 38. [A - Who/ В - Where/С- When] did you put my book? 39. [A-How/B- Wliy/C- Where] is Bill?-Very well, thanks. 40. He drives [A — more careful / В — very carefully / С — very careful].
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