Впиши в пропуски прилагательные в превосходной степени. 1.Tom is..................boy in the class.(short) 2.My dad is ...............person in my family.(fat) 3.My grandma is ................person in my family.(old) 4.Gill h...
Впиши в пропуски прилагательные в превосходной степени.
1.Tom is..................boy in the class.(short)
2.My dad is ...............person in my family.(fat)
3.My grandma is ................person in my family.(old)
4.Gill has got ...............dress in the class.(pretty)
5.Kelly’s dog is ...............animal in the world.(ugly)
6.James is ......................child in the class.(clever)
7.This is .............book I’ve got.(exciting)
8.Mr Beef is .............man in the world.(strong)
9.Our living room is .............room in the house.(big)
10.Sally is .............girl in the class.(naughty)
11.This is ..................flower in the garden.(beautiful)
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
сфотографируй мне страницу
1.the shortest
2.the fattest
3.the eldest (именно e)
4.the prettiest
5.the ugliest
6.the cleverest
7.the most exciting
8.the strongest
9.the biggest
10.the naughtiest
11.the most beautiful
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