Вставь some,any,no. 1) Would you like ... orange juice? 2) Are there ... pictures in the book? 3) There is ... boy in my room. 4) Did you buy ... fruits? Yes,I bought ... oranges and apples,but I didn't buy ... pears. 5) Can I ...

Вставь some,any,no. 1) Would you like ... orange juice? 2) Are there ... pictures in the book? 3) There is ... boy in my room. 4) Did you buy ... fruits? Yes,I bought ... oranges and apples,but I didn't buy ... pears. 5) Can I have ... ice-cream? Yes, take ... .
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1 some 2 any 3 no 4 any, some, any 5 some, any (любое) или some (немного)
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