Вставь than of in.1. Vova is stronger _____ Igor2. Victor is the best student______my class.3. Dina is prettier_________Olya.4. Tanya is the shiest_________all.5. Valera is the strongest boy_________our school.6. Natasha is...
Вставь than of in.
1. Vova is stronger _____ Igor
2. Victor is the best student______my class.
3. Dina is prettier_________Olya.
4. Tanya is the shiest_________all.
5. Valera is the strongest boy_________our school.
6. Natasha is kinder__________Oksana.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1 than
2 in
3 than
4 of
5 in
6 than
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