Вставить артикль a/an/ the 1. The students are going to write… test. … test consist of five tasks. 2. We have … new student in the class. …. student come from Peru. 3. Let’s meet in … evening, I’ll be very busy in … afternoon. ...

Вставить артикль a/an/ the 1. The students are going to write… test. … test consist of five tasks. 2. We have … new student in the class. …. student come from Peru. 3. Let’s meet in … evening, I’ll be very busy in … afternoon. 4. Don’t worry, we’ll get home before… sunset. 5…. Russian likes… a good hard winter with plenty of snow and frost. 6. In this country … spring is always wet, …summer is hot, …autumn is wet, … winter is cold. 7. Let’s settle all business matters before… lunch. 8. I usually have… cup of tea for… breakfast. 9. … Tverskaya street is the central street of … Moscow. 10. … National Gallery faces… Trafalgar Square. 11. They stay at … Hilton Hotel 12…. Adriatic sea, which between the coasts of … Italy and… Yugoslaviya, is an arm of … Mediterranean sea. 13…. Swiss alps are a good place to go to if you like skiing. 14. We get tea mostly from … China and … Ceylon. 15. The pupil showed… Europe, … Asia, … North and … South America, … Africa on the map. 16. What … witty man! 17. This trip costs … lot of money. 18. Did you have … lovely time at the picnic. 19. Christmas is on …24th of December. 20. He lives in …north of Africa.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. The students are going to write A test. THE test consists of five tasks. 2. We have A new student in the class. THE student comes from Peru. 3. Let’s meet in THE evening, I’ll be very busy in THE afternoon. 4. Don’t worry, we’ll get home before THE sunset. 5  The Russians like a good hard winter with plenty of snow and frost. 6. In this country _spring is always wet,_summer is hot, _autumn is wet, _winter is cold. 7. Let’s settle all business matters before THE lunch. 8. I usually have A cup of tea for _ breakfast. 9. _ Tverskaya street is the central street of _ Moscow. 10. THE National Gallery faces _ Trafalgar Square. 11. They stay at _ Hilton Hotel 12.  THE Adriatic sea, which between the coasts of _ Italy and _ Yugoslaviya, is an arm of THE Mediterranean sea. 13 THE Swiss Alps are a good place to go to if you like skiing. 14. We get tea mostly from _ China and _ Ceylon. 15. The pupil showed _ Europe, _ Asia, _ North and _ South America, _ Africa on the map. 16. What A witty man! 17. This trip costs A lot of money. 18. Did you have A lovely time at the picnic? 19. Christmas is on THE 24th of December. 20. He lives in THE north of Africa.
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