Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. ... Gulliver was born in ... large family of ... farmer. At ... sch ool... boy learned well and his father sent him to ... university, for three years. When ... young man left ... university, h...

Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. ... Gulliver was born in ... large family of ... farmer. At ... sch ool... boy learned well and his father sent him to ... university, for three years. When ... young man left ... university, he worked with ... doctor and learned his profession. ... Gulliver decided to learn ... navigation, too. After four years he began to work on ... ship as ... ship’s doctor. One day, when ... ship was at ... sea for ... long time, there was ... great storm. ... ship broke to ... pieces and only six people got into ... small boat. ... men were tired and couldn’t find ... water. Soon ... boat turned over and ... men were in ... water. Five of them were drowned. But ... Gulliver swam well, and when he saw ... shore, he swam to it. He got out of ... water and slept on ... shore for ... many hours. When ... Gulliver woke, he found himself in ... country where ... small people lived. ... name of ... country was ... Lilliput. ... people were afraid of ... Man — Mountain, as they named... Gulliver. When they saw that... Gulliver was ... kind man, they let him go free. ... Gulliver lived in ... country for two years and then came back to ... England.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
Gulliver was born in the large family of a farmer. At school the boy learned well, so his father sent him to the university, for three years.  When the young man left the university, he worked with a doctor and learned the doctor's profession. Gulliver decided to learn navigation, too. After four years he began to work on the ship as a ship’s doctor. One day, when the ship was at the  sea for a long time, there was a great storm. The ship broke to  pieces and only six people got into a small boat.  The men were tired and couldn’t find  water. Soon the boat turned over and the men were in the water. Five of them were drowned. But Gulliver swam well, and when he saw the  shore, he swam to it. He got out of the water and slept on the shore for  many hours. When Gulliver woke up, he found that he was in a country where very, very small people lived. The name of the country was Lilliput. The little people were afraid of the Man — Mountain, as they named Gulliver. When they saw that Gulliver was a kind man, they let him go free. Gulliver lived in the country for two years and then came back to England.
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