Вставьте, где необходимо, определенный или неопределенный артикли. 1. Mr. Rodgers works ten hours … day. 2. I've got … problem. Can you help me? 3. There is … big department store at … end of … street you live in. 4. I have ...

Вставьте, где необходимо, определенный или неопределенный артикли. 1. Mr. Rodgers works ten hours … day. 2. I've got … problem. Can you help me? 3. There is … big department store at … end of … street you live in. 4. I have … car. … car is red. 5. Can you tell me how to get to … railway station? 6. Usually we have … dinner in … nice restaurant. 7. … nearest bus-stop is at … end of … street. 8. We live in … small house near … city centre. 9. I bought … white dress. … dress is nice. 10. I like this … car.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1) a2)a 3)a , the ,the4)а, the5)a или -6)a, a7)The, the, the8)a , the9)a ,the10) -
1-a 2-The 3- the, - , the 4- the, the 5- a 6-the, a 7-The, -, the 8-a,a 9-The,a 10-a
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