Вставьте пожалуйста a/an или the, где это необходимо: I am … student. I live in … Moscow Street. I have … breakfast at 7 o’clock. I have… mother, …father and …sister. My mother is …accountant. She is … head of the Finance Depar...

Вставьте пожалуйста a/an или the, где это необходимо: I am … student. I live in … Moscow Street. I have … breakfast at 7 o’clock. I have… mother, …father and …sister. My mother is …accountant. She is … head of the Finance Department. I play … guitar. In… evening I go to … bed early. I like … Russian and English Literature. Petrov, …student of our group knows well … poems by Pushkin.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
I am a student. I live in the Moscow Street. I have breakfast at 7 o'clock. I have a mother, a father and a sister. My mother is an accountant. She is a head of the Finance Department. I play a guitar. In the evening I go to the bed early. I like Russian and English Literature. Petrov, a student of our group knows well the poems by Pushkin.
I am a student. I live in …--- Moscow Street. I have …--- breakfast at 7 o’clock. I have…a mother, …a father and …a sister. My mother is …an accountant. She is … --- / the* head of the Finance Department. I play … the guitar. In… the evening I go to …--- bed early. I like …--- Russian and English Literature. Petrov, …a student of our group knows well …---** poems by Pushkin. *2 правильных варианта (так и надо сдавать) **более вероятно, чем the
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