Вставьте предлоги где необходимо: 1. The old man entered … the kitchen and looked … everybody. 2. While speaking … aunt, Maggy got … her cracking voice. 3. I lived … the south … ten years. 4. This bridge will be build … a few m...

Вставьте предлоги где необходимо: 1. The old man entered … the kitchen and looked … everybody. 2. While speaking … aunt, Maggy got … her cracking voice. 3. I lived … the south … ten years. 4. This bridge will be build … a few months. 5. The group … tourists arrived … Peking … the end … the day. 6. Seeing this man he was surprised … his face. 7. The car crossed … a poor dog. 8. Walking … the street one day, I ran … an elderly man. 9. The girl took … her father. 10. Don’t stay … my way! I’ll do everything myself.
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только первое знаю а дальше сами
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