Выбери и обведи правильный вариант. 1. I think Mike … at school tomorrow. a) will b) be c) will be 2. Jane … yesterday. a) didn’t played b) not played c) didn’t play 3. What … in the cup? a) there is b) is the...

Выбери и обведи правильный вариант. 1. I think Mike … at school tomorrow. a) will b) be c) will be 2. Jane … yesterday. a) didn’t played b) not played c) didn’t play 3. What … in the cup? a) there is b) is there c) is it 4. … last year? a) Was he work? b) Did he worked c) Did he work 5. Sam … five letters yesterday. a) writers b) wrote c) send 6. … children in the classroom. a) There was b) There is c) There were 7. This is … street in Moscow. a) short b) shorter c) the shortest 8. Bob … in Africa. a) didn’t b) aren’t c) wasn’t 9. Did he go there …? a) last week b) next week c) now 10. … breakfast? a) Did she have b) Did she had c) Had she
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1)1 2)1 3)3 4)2 5)2 6)3 7)3 8)3 9)1 10)2 или 3
1.с 2.с 3.b 4.c 5.b 6.c 7.c 8.b 9.a 10.a
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