Выберите present simple или present continuous: 1. I ... English very well (speak, am speaking) 2. My sister ... the piano in her room ( plays, is playing) 3. Don not go out. It ... cats and dogs (rains, is raining) 4. We oft...

Выберите present simple или present continuous: 1. I ... English very well (speak, am speaking) 2. My sister ... the piano in her room ( plays, is playing) 3. Don not go out. It ... cats and dogs (rains, is raining) 4. We often ... to the college on foot ( go, going) 5. English families usually ... tea at 5 o clock ( have, are having) 6. The students... a teacher very carefully ( are listening, listen) Спасибо за помощь!
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. speak 2. is playing 3. is raining 4. go 5. have 6. are listening
1. I speak English very well 2. My sister is playing the piano in her room 3. Do not go out. It is raining cats and dogs (дождь льет как из ведра) 4. We often go to the college on foot 5. English families usually have tea at 5 o'clock 6. The students are listening a teacher very carefully Не за что!
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