Выбрать нужную форму глагола по правилам согласования и косвенной речи. 1.She said she.

Выбрать нужную форму глагола по правилам согласования и косвенной речи. 1.She said she......not hungry...... a)is/now.b)was/now.c)was/then.d)is/then 2.He said he.......have finished this paper by....... a)will/tomorrow.b)would/next day.c)will/next day.d)would/tomorrow 3.She said sternly that I........to do it alone, without anybody's help. a)am.b)will.c)would.d)was 4.My friends asked me if Carol........talked to Kevin. a)has.b)have.c)having.d)had 5.He asked her when the.......week's party........planned. a)next/is.b)following/is.c)following/was.d)next/was
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1was.then 2would.next day 3was 4had 5following.was
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