We placed an ____________ in the newspaper. a) exam b) fridge c) advert d) etc. Your ___________________ rather dirty. Wash it. a) hair is b) hair are c) hairs is d) hairs are He left the room _____________________ good...

We placed an ____________ in the newspaper. a) exam b) fridge c) advert d) etc. Your ___________________ rather dirty. Wash it. a) hair is b) hair are c) hairs is d) hairs are He left the room _____________________ goodbye. a) without say b) without saying c) without to say d) without to saying The ________ story was very interesting. a) hole b) hall c) whole d) holl You _____________ breathless if you _______ too fast. a) become, will run b) will become, will run c) will become, run d) will become, runs When he ___________ his dog, he ___________his car. a) feeds, will wash b) will feed, will wash c) will feed, wash d) feeds, washes They had a picnic in a big _____________. a) wood b) forest c) timber d) tree Синонимом-прилагательным выделенного слова в предложении “She was really scared.” является: a) upset b) frightened c) annoyed d) tired Why have you come? The concert has been put ____ till next week. a) up b) on c) off d) to _____ will come to your party? a) when b) why c) how d) who She feels miserable _______ it rains. a) however b) whenever c) whoever d) whatever Her TV didn’t work so she tried _______ the aerial. a) to move b) moving c) to moving d) move Never stop ____________ yourself. a) to improve b) improving c) to improving d) improve When you meet her, remember ____________ her this letter. a) to give b) giving c) to giving d) give Have we met? I’ve forgotten ___________ you. a) to meet b) meeting c) to meeting d) meet We regret __________ our old car. It was really big. a) to sell b) selling c) to selling d) sell I enjoy _____________ the shopping. It’s so cool. a) to do b) doing c) to doing d) do He is so intelligent. He always speaks like a _____________. a) sheep b) mouth c) laptop d) book She said they _____________ three texts by that time. a) have translated b) translated c) had translated d) would translate They said you ____________ our machine the next Monday. a) would repair b) will repair c) repaired d) had repaired My sister wondered what I was going to wear ________. a) today b) tonight c) that day d) now We _______ them to show their results. a) said b) talked c) told d) spoke Steven asked Bob ___________________ the letter. a) has he sent b) if has he sent c) if he has sent d) if he had sent Mother asked me ________ at home. a) will I stay b) if I would stay c) if I will stay d) if would I stay Jeremy asked his little son _______________. a) what he had seen b) what had he seen c) what did he see d) what has he seen Her friends asked her ______________. a) why was she crying b) why is she crying c) why she is crying d) why she was crying The man said to Helen _______of his dog. a) not be afraid b) not to be afraid c) don’t be d) wasn’t afraid This food is _________. Don’t eat it. a) roomless b) hopeless c) skinless d) healthless Does the dress _____ I bought yesterday suit me? a) who b) which c) whose d) whom You should read the whole book to understand its ____. a) plot b) cover c) biography d) manual If you need to move the mouse to point at different pictures at the top of the screen, you should _____________ on different icons. a) print b) cut c) click d) copy To book tickets means to ______________ them in advance. a) reserve b) sell c) spend d) lose
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
We placed an advert in the newspaper.   Your hairs are rather dirty. Wash it.   He left the room without saying goodbye.   The whole story was very interesting.   You will become breathless if you will run too fast. When he feeds his dog, he will wash his car. They had a picnic in a big forest. Синонимом-прилагательным выделенного слова в предложении “She was really scared.” является:  b) frightened   Why have you come? The concert has been put off till next week.    who will come to your party?   She feels miserable whenever it rains. Her TV didn’t work so she tried to move the aerial. Never stop improving yourself. When you meet her, remember to give her this letter. Have we met? I’ve forgotten meeting you. We regret selling our old car. It was really big. I enjoy doing the shopping. It’s so cool.   He is so intelligent. He always speaks like a book. She said they have translated three texts by that time.   They said you would repair our machine the next Monday. My sister wondered what I was going to wear that day. We told them to show their results Steven asked Bob if he had sent the letter. Mother asked me if would I stay at home. Jeremy asked his little son what has he seen. Her friends asked her why was she crying. The man said to Helen not to be afraid of his dog.  This food is healthless. Don’t eat it. Does the dress which I bought yesterday suit me? You should read the whole book to understand its plot.   If you need to move the mouse to point at different pictures at the top of the screen, you should click on different icons. To book tickets means to reserve them in advance. 
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