We usually … a bus or a taxi early in the morning to get to work. a) takes b) take c) are taking 2. Every day I … up, then … my teeth and … on my journey. a) wake/ brush/ start b) woke/ brush/ starting c) waking/ brush/ start...

We usually … a bus or a taxi early in the morning to get to work. a) takes b) take c) are taking 2. Every day I … up, then … my teeth and … on my journey. a) wake/ brush/ start b) woke/ brush/ starting c) waking/ brush/ start 3. When … the Sun rise? In the evening or in the morning? a) do b) are c) does 4. They … tea now. a) drinking b) are drinking c) are drinks 5. My sister seldom … our parents. She’s very busy and has no time at all. a) visits b) visit c) is visiting
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1)-b 2)-a 3)-c 4)-b 5)-a
1)-b 2)-с 3)-b 4)-a 5)-a
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