Замените глагол (в скобках) правильной формой, подходящей при подстановке в данное предложение. Образец 1. I... to Italy twice. (be) - I have been to Italy twice. Образец 2. Nancy... this book yet. (not read) - Nancy hasn't rea...
Замените глагол (в скобках) правильной формой, подходящей при подстановке в данное предложение.
Образец 1. I... to Italy twice. (be) - I have been to Italy twice.
Образец 2. Nancy... this book yet. (not read) - Nancy hasn't read this book yet.
Peter this week.(not see)
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Введите пропущенные слова или словосочетания в поля для ввода текста.
Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect and Past Simple Tenses
Question 3
Выберите верный вариант перевода предложения.
Я никогда не был в Англии.
I was never in England.
I have never been to England.
I am never in England.
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Present Simple and Present Progressive Tenses
Question 4
Выберите верный вариант.
What time ... your father finish work in the evening?
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Present tenses with a future meaning
Question 5
Отметьте предложения, в котором настоящие времена (Present Progressive или Present Simple) имеют значение будущего времени.
Ann isn't free on Saturday. She is working.
I'm going away tomorrow morning. My train is at 8.40.
She is reading a magazine.
I don't like cooking.
I'm growing a beard now.
Sam's plane arrives at midnight.
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Present Simple and Prеsеnt Progressive Tenses
Question 6
Отметьте неверно оформленные грамматически предложения.
What are you do now?
We sometimes going to the theatre.
I hate big cities.
How much does it cost to send a letter to Paris?
Tom is in his room. He plays the piano.
It often rains in this part of the world.
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Prеsent Simple Tеnsе
Question 7
Заполните пустoе полe в предложении, используя один из глаголов (do, does, don't, doesn't).
Can you help me? I
know the way to the market.
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Adjectives: degrees of comparison
Question 8
Употребите прилагательное в скобках в сравнительной или превосходной степени в зависимости от смысла предложения.
Where is it (beautiful)
more beautiful,
, in the mountains or near the sea?
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Введите пропущенные слова или словосочетания в поля для ввода текста.
Articles 'a an' , 'the'
Question 9
Вставьте нужный артикль 'a', 'an', 'the' или тире (-) при его отсутствии.
My parents live in
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Prеsеnt Simplе, Present Progressive, Present Perfect and Past Simple Tenses
Question 10
Выберите верный вариант.
My wife ... home yet.
hasn't come
didn't come
doesn't come
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Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
2 We ___ Peter this week. (have not seen)
3 I have never been to England.
4 What time ... your father finish work in the evening? does
5 I'm going away tomorrow morning. My train is at 8.40.
Sam's plane arrives at midnight.
6 I hate big cities.
How much does it cost to send a letter to Paris?
It often rains in this part of the world.
7 Can you help me? I don't know the way to the market.
8 Where is it more beautiful, in the mountains or near the sea?
9 My parents live in Moscow.
10 My wife ... home yet. hasn't come
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