Замените инфинитивы глаголами в Present Perfect, Present In-definite, Present Continuous, Present Perfect Continuous: 1.

Замените инфинитивы глаголами в Present Perfect, Present In-definite, Present Continuous, Present Perfect Continuous: 1.He (to solve) _____________ the cross-word puzzle for half an hour and he (to say) __________ he (to be) ____________ about to finish it as he (to think) ______________ over the last word. 2. The actors (to rehearse) ____________ since early morning; now they (to go over) _______________ the first scene as they (not to be) ____________ satisfied with their acting. 3. Here you (to be) _____________ at last! I (to wait) ______________ for you for twenty minutes. _______ you (not to be) ashamed? 4. She (to speak) ____________ over the tele-phone long enough, it (to be) _______________ time for her to stop talking. 5. Since you (to keep) ______________ late hours this week you (to look) _______________ tired and worn out. 6. It (to snow) _______________ steadily the whole week and it still (to snow) ______________. If it (to go) ____________ on like this nobody will be able to reach the camp. 7. At last you (to open) _______________ the door! I (to ring) _______________ for an hour at least, it (to seem) ________________ to me. 8. My watch (to keep) ________________ good time ever since the first repair. 9. They (to discuss) _________________ this questions ever since I (to be) ______________ here and they (not to come) _______________ to any definite conclusion yet. 10. The typist (to miss) ________________ several words as she (to talk) __________________ all the time. 11. The lecturer (to mention) ________________ this name several times but I cannot remember it. I (to write) ________________ it down as soon as he (to mention) __________________ it again. 12. He (to work) __________________ at the language all the time and (to make) ___________________ great progress. His phonetics (to be) ________________ perfect, only a slight accent (to remain) _____________________.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. He (has been solving) the cross-word puzzle for half an hour and he ( says)  he (is)  about to finish it as he (is thinking) over the last word. 2. The actors (have been rehearsing) since early morning; now they (are going over) the first scene as they (are not)  satisfied with their acting. 3. Here you (are) at last! I (have been waiting) for you for twenty minutes. Aren't you ashamed? 4. She (has been speaking) over the tele-phone long enough, it (is) time for her to stop talking. 5. Since you (have been keeping) late hours this week you (look) tired and worn out. 6. It (has been snowing)  steadily the whole week and it is still (snowing). If it (goes) on like this nobody will be able to reach the camp. 7. At last you (have  opened) the door! I (have been ringing) for an hour at least, it ( seems) to me. 8. My watch (has kept) good time ever since the first repair. 9. They (have been discussing) this questions ever since I (am)  here and they (have not come)  to any definite conclusion yet. 10. The typist (has missed)  several words as she (has been talking)  all the time. 11. The lecturer (has mentioned)  this name several times but I cannot remember it. I (am going to write)  it down as soon as he ( mentions) it again. 12. He (has been  working) at the language all the time and (has  make)  great progress. His phonetics (is)  perfect, only a slight accent ( remains)
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