Запишите выражения одним словом (например, mother’s sister - aunt): Sister’s son, uncle’s daughter, father’s brother, uncle’s wife, mother’s mother. Вставьте пропущенные предлоги и запишите предложения: 1. I would like to get r...

Запишите выражения одним словом (например, mother’s sister - aunt): Sister’s son, uncle’s daughter, father’s brother, uncle’s wife, mother’s mother. Вставьте пропущенные предлоги и запишите предложения: 1. I would like to get rid … my old clothes. 5. Please get ready … the lesson. 2. I always help my parents to look … my younger sister. 6. What is this salad made … ? 3. There are a lot … sandwich shops in London. 7.This juice is made … green apples. 4. I must get … at 6 o’clock every morning. 8.Jane is cold, she would like a cup … hot tea. Выберите правильную форму глагола и запишите предложения: 1. I … a tasty pizza yesterday. a) cooked b) have cooked c) has cooked 2. They … a new car this morning. a) bought b) have bought c) has bought 3. My elder sister already … the floor. a) swept b) have swept c) has swept 4. I never … to London. a) was b) have been c) has been 5. My parents … to the theatre last Sunday. a) went b) have gone c) has gone Вставьте home или house и запишите предложения. 1. How many rooms are there in your …? 3. The British say "… sweet …”. 2. What’s your … town? – Surgut. 4. My … is not very big. Прочитайте текст и напишите, верны ли утверждения (True/False): Mr Philpott lives not far from the centre of London. He lives in the residential area with lots of similar houses. It’s very close to a beautiful park – Regent’s Park. This area is popular with tourists, so there are a lot of hotels, some restaurants and souvenir shops. Mr Philpott has a detached house. It’s quite a big house because he has got a big family. They have three bedrooms, a sitting room, a kitchen and a bathroom. There is a garden at the back and a very small garden at the front. 1. Mr Philpott is from London. 2. His house is not far from Regent’s Park. 3. There are a lot of hotels, some restaurants and souvenir shops in his area. 4. Mr Philpott and his family live in a block of flats. 5. Mr Philpott’s family is small. 6. There are a lot of sitting rooms in his house. Поставьте 5 вопросов к тексту.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
№1.nephew,cousin,uncle,aunt,grandmother №2. 1)of. 2)after. 3)of. 4)up. 5)for. 6)of. 7)from. 8)of №3. 1.a2.a3.c4.b5.a №4. Наверное так:1. house,2.home,3.home,4.house №5.1.true2.true3.true4.false5.false6.false(only one) А вот вопросы...Думать надо Чем смогла - тем помогла)
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