Заполните предложения. Используйте эти слова:pieces,sweets ,boxes ,run ,is ,can't, bags,=================================================================== Вilly is fat.He has cakes and chocolate for breakfast.He has ... and ja...

Заполните предложения. Используйте эти слова:pieces,sweets ,boxes ,run ,is ,can't, bags, =================================================================== Вilly is fat.He has cakes and chocolate for breakfast.He has ... and jam for lunch.Yesterday Billy ate two ... of chocolates,fifteen ... of cake and ten ... of sweets.He doesn't eat cabbage and carrots.Billy doesn't like to ... and jump.He ... swim.Billy ... sad.Can you help my friend Billy? На места точек неизвестное слово. Написать до завтра!!!
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1)sweets 2)pieces 3)boxes 4)bags 5)run 6)can't 7)is
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