Заполните пропуски: 1. The famous Russian author Maksim Gorky was born in ... in ... 2. There were ... Children in the family 3. The living conditions were ... 4. When Maksim was ... yeara old, the family's financial situation ...

Заполните пропуски: 1. The famous Russian author Maksim Gorky was born in ... in ... 2. There were ... Children in the family 3. The living conditions were ... 4. When Maksim was ... yeara old, the family's financial situation goy worse because... 5. Maksim had to work at a... 6. He had to... 7. He earned ... 8. Maksim Gorky began writing at age of... 9. He became famous author of his time in ...
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1-Novosibirsk 2-four 3- 4-five 5-hospital 6-clean floor 7-five rubles 8-six 9-1946
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